Formed in 1961 by students attending General Douglas MacArthur HS, Levittown NY.

This blog is an attempt to bring the members of the Commodores back together via a virtual reunion. A volunteer(s) is needed to organize a real reunion. Blogger: John McCormick,

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Ray Leitner

Ingrid Leitner, wife of Ray, responded to my letter via e-mail. She stated that Ray passed away in April 2003. I did write back to her, thanking her for responding and asking if she would not mind sending me some details of Ray's life.

Ingrid also wrote that they saw Don Diener in 1996 but does not know his present address.

John McCormick

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just heard of Ray's death on this website. Ray was one of my dearest and truest friends. We grew up together, came back from VN at the same time, and had many great times.

i know like goes on, but there is a piece missing now.

God bless him.

Doug Russell